Sunday, August 31, 2008


Last night we drove up to Topeka to meet Michelle's parents, her sister Bobbi and Bobbi's husband Clark. So, 6 adults and 1 "sling" as they called it. The sling is basically 4 sticks and some canvas straps. But it was VERY low to the ground, so when Kueffer was in his car seat he was almost invisible. I went to the car and brought out our skeleton stroller or whatever it is called, and that brought him close to table height.

He was very good. Michelle and I played that "no, you eat, I'll hold him" game for a while. I think we need to develop a better system.

We got home around 10:30, and we had Kueffer asleep by probably 11. Fast forward to 5 AM when he woke up! Six hours is great. Then I fed him from 5 to 5:30, then I guess Michelle got up with him around 7:30 or so, and after that, he slept until 11. I think he was quite tired.

Right now he's sleeping next to me on the couch, after having an exciting 3 or so hours awake, I guess.

Ah, the life of a baby!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Two nights in a row!!!

Kueffer did it again last night and slept almost 7 hours straight! We are hoping that this is not some cruel joke he is playing on his mommy and daddy. Let's go for 3 tonight...

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Last night Kueffer was somewhat challenging. He was spitting up, generally grumpy, and we could tell he was just so tired! Michelle was putting him to bed, and he fell asleep on her, then she gently stood up, and her ankle cracked. Just a pop. But that was enough to wake him up. Ugh!

We alternated rocking him to sleep, and changing him, etc. Finally I got him to fall asleep on me, so I gently took him to the crib...where he promptly woke up and started squirming. I thought, "well, I'll just lay him down and pop in the pacifier and see what happens." So, I did that, and put both of my hands down where he can grab them. He still squirmed a lot, but wasn't angy or anything, so I stood like that for probably 10 minutes. He eventually quieted down and fell asleep again.

My first thought was that there's no way this will stick, but I was going to go downstairs and get some work done until he wakes up. He stayed asleep, starting at 11:30 PM.

Michelle and I both woke up to him crying through the monitor around 6 AM. SIX AM!!!

Michelle and I both needed that "full" night of sleep, and evidently Kueffer did, too.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good Morning, Sunshine!

This is Kueffer laughing. This is how he wakes up almost every morning...with lots of smiles. He is such a happy baby!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Getting bigger...

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
We were driving in the car tonight on an exciting Friday night outing to Target and as I looked at Kueffer I realized just how much he has grown. 7 weeks ago today, we were in the hospital waiting for him to make his arrival. It was the 4th of July and we were watching the fireworks from our hospital room window.
Kueffer is such a strong little guy. He lifts his head up- did this in the hospital- and has rolled over twice! He loves his nightly 'exercises' with Daddy. We can't believe just how much he has changed...feeling a little reflective tonight, I guess...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My boys

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Just because I love this photo...ahhh!

EDIT BY MATT: Okay, notice the matching receding hairlines at the temples. Good news for him is that his will come back in...mine, not so much.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Other Animals

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Mom's dog Crissy is doing ok with Kueffer, if a little annoyed at being pushed out further onto mom's legs...

I'm sorry, Kueffer...

Someday I will help you get your dignity back...


So, we've got 2 cats. Owen, a grumpy old man who throws up and hisses and is generally not happy to see anyone in the world except me, and Lucy, a sweet fat little cat who hides when people come over but then comes out to be petted by anyone with a free hand, fingernails are a plus. So, we thought that Owen would absolutely FREAK when we brought Kueffer home, and Lucy would end up snuggling with him in his bouncy chair.

We could not have been more wrong.

Owen, from the day Kueffer came home to today, has been somewhat close to a model cat. He's not bothered by the crying or laughing or anything. He slept on the bed with Kueffer (not snuggling) and would merely look over at Kueffer when Kueffer would cry or fuss.

Lucy, on the other hand, has decided to start binge-eating to sublimate her rage and hurt feelings over Kueffer's arrival. She used to sleep with us, but she stayed away from us for probably 3-4 weeks, long after Kueffer was in his own crib. Lucy gets completely spazzed out when Kueffer cries and runs away to hide somewhere. She wants to have absolutely nothing to do with him. The picture shows you the only good part for her about Kueffer's arrival.

Owen partly agrees with Lucy -- baby toys rock.

6 weeks and a day

Right now, he's sleeping right in front of me -- he's in his car seat. Michelle just got home from running an errand with him and, well, he was just so peaceful, we didn't want to disturb him.

I got him to sleep last night around 6 or so. He was SOOO tired so I thought we'd let him have a nap before my mom came over for dinner. Well, he slept until 8, woke up, ate, went back to sleep. At about 11 I started to get a sinking feeling...I mean, he has been asleep for about 5 hours. There was no way he would sleep through the night.

Well, he ended up waking up several times, but he wasn't too terrible to get back to sleep.

What is he doing these days? When he wakes he smiles REALLY big! It's quite cute.
He is almost starting to giggle when he laughs, too.
He's a pretty happy baby. There are very few times when he cries and we can't figure out a reason why.
All in all, I don't think we'd change a thing.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fun at the fair!

Kueffer's at the Fair
Last week, Kueffer made his California, MO debut at the county fair! Matt, Kueffer and I drove home on Tuesday and he was such a good traveler. (He is a really good baby. Have we mentioned that?!) Kueffer was able to take in all of the sights, sounds, and smells of the fair! As you can see from his photo, he was extremely excited. We had such a great time, that we went back on Friday for the weekend with Aunt Bobbi. Kueffer loves his Aunt Bobbi! We were able to see so many family members and spend time at home. It was so much fun we can't wait until next year!

Aunt Bobbi
GrandmaOn Saturday afternoon, we went to visit my Grandmother. Kueffer loved meeting his 96 year old Great Grandmother Opal and they had such a good time getting to know one another. Sunday, we were able to take some time with the family and Kueffer just 'talked and talked' with his cousins Brock and Quinten and Grandpa Bob. We can't wait to see them again soon!
