Sunday, September 30, 2012

Field Trip

Last Friday, Kueffer's preschool class went on their first field trip.  To say that he was excited is a complete understatement!  He talked about riding the school bus like a 'big 9 year old' the entire week!  (not sure where he got the big 9 year old school bus rider reference, but he was convinced.)
The class went to the Beanstalk Garden at Swope Park.  Kueffer said it was GREAT and sounds like everyone had a wonderful time.
Can't wait until the next field trip- maybe Mommy will even go along. ;)

Saturday, September 29, 2012


 Kueffer's playing on a new soccer league this fall and LOVING it! 
 (Check out how Kueffer intimidates the opposing team at kick off...
sometimes he even breaks out his 'ninja moves'!)

 Getting ready to kick the ball in...
Action shot!
 All of the parents make a tunnel for 'tunnel time' and each of the players run through after the game.  The kiddos and the parents love it!
(Daddy and Mommy were not exactly sure what was happening at our first game when we heard 'Tunnel Time'...what?)
Daddy telling Kueffer how proud he is of Kueffer after the game.  Ahhhh

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Circus time!

This past weekend, the Ringling Bros. Circus came to town and the Dawdys were there!
 (No, it was NOT Daddy's idea.) 
Kueffer was really excited to see all of the animals and clowns...
but MOST excited about the Cotton Candy that he was promised!
Last week at preschool, the teachers had talked about the elephants that were in town for the circus, so Kueffer was really into seeing the production.  Even though we sat in that last row of Sprint Center- let's just say that Mommy did not realize that THIS was the week of the circus and

didn't realize that circuses ever sell out, really?- whatever-
 Kueffer had a great time seeing the tigers, elephants, trapeze artists...EVERYTHING!  It was so much fun watching him! 
He loved it!  and of course, loved the cotton candy and popcorn!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Celebrity Filled Weekend

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
This weekend the Dawdys were 'hob nobbing' with only the most elite. :)
Friday night, our church sponsored a super fun book signing with Jamie Lee Curtis! The event was sold out. She read her new children's book to the crowd and chatted with everyone after.

Then Saturday, Mommy and Kueffer met Slugger! Kueffer was such a big boy and walked right up to him and shook his hand and then jumped up for a photo. Of course, it didn't hurt that the event was at a toy store and Slugger handed all of the kiddos toys too.

Sunday, we hung out with one of the biggest stars in town- Grandma Karen! She is WAY more special than any of those other celebrities we hung out with this weekend.
Happy Birthday, Grandma Karen!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

We will miss you, Lauren and Connor!

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Our dear friends, the Duffys are moving to Seattle this week. Kueffer and Lauren have really grown up together- we met when they were babies at playgroup, went to Mom's Day Out together, Preschool classmates, swimming lessons, ...almost everything has included Lauren!
We will miss them so much but are happy that they will be close to Sarah's family.
This cute photo was taken Saturday at the park where we said 'see you' once more before they leave.
We love you guys and can't wait to visit you soon!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Spider Buddies

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Kueffer and his buddy, Cole love playing together and LOVE super heros!
Relax, are protected!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to School

Kueffer started his first day of 4 year old preschool today. 
It's hard to believe that he is getting so big!
It wasn't the smoothest running morning- perhaps not something that Norman Rockwell would've painted...okay, definitely not.  Of all of the 'challenges' that Mommy thought may have presented that morning, didn't realize that UNDERWEAR would be such a big issue.  ugh! 
Kueffer got some super cool spiderman underwear from Aunt Bobbi last weekend and,
unknown to Mommy, that's what he wanted to wear.  oops. 
After he discovered those were not available (in the laundry), it was not pretty.
Eventually, Mommy and Daddy did get him in the car and on the way.  It wasn't pretty, but it happened.  Took more convincing, but finally some photos were taken.  whew....

and he walked happily into class to see Miss Julie and Miss Julie and all of his friends. 
fyi- no goodbye tears were shed by Mommy, Daddy, or Kueffer!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Last weekend, Kueffer went with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary Ann to visit Uncle Clark, Aunt Bobbi and Max. He had so much fun playing with his buddy, Max. He also loves playing on all of Max's fun ride on toys. Uncle Clark had to go find a helmet as K was riding down this big 'rock hill', or 'mountain' s Kueffer called it, on the 4 wheeler.
Thanks for a fun weekend for everyone!

Monday, September 3, 2012

He's with the band!

IMG_4449.MOV a video by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

This summer one of our local outdoor malls hosted outdoor concerts every Thursday night. Luckily on 'Mr Stinky Feet' night, it was finally cooler outside, so Mommy took Kueffer and his friend Bo. They were really great concert goers and even part of the kiddo mosh pit! ;) Several children were selected to be part of the band and Kueffer was picked! He had a great time and took his role very seriously...our little musician!