Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We're Back!

So sorry for the LONG blogging break. I would love to say that things were just so boring around here that there has not been much to chat about, but it's been quite the opposite! The Dawdy's have been one active family- keeping very busy and having fun. The month of November just flew by and eventually, you will get to see some of that activity.

It's getting much colder here in KC and, as you can see from these photos, Kueffer is getting geared up...partially.

Promise to do a MUCH better job and will be catching you up on our latest adventures soon!

Happy December!

Friday, November 12, 2010

'I just want to give him a hug."

That is what Kueffer told me when I asked him where he was going yesterday as I dropped him off at Parent's Day Out. He started walking toward a little boy and his mommy and he said 'I just want to give him a hug'. What? Okay, we are at our church a lot. Like 3 times a week for meetings, classes, church and Parent's Day Out and we have never seen this particular kiddo and mom before...I think. Why Kueffer felt compelled to hug him, I don't know. But it was sweet. Unfortunately, the little boy was not thinking it was so cute. I asked his mom if Kueffer could hug him and as K went in for the hug, the little boy hid behind his momma.
Beware Village Church friends: a sweet little blond boy may try to hug you!Kueffer hugging sweet Max...he likes Kueffer's hugs!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Happy Birthday to the best Daddy and husband around! Mommy and Kueffer are so happy to spend your special day with you...and every day.
We LOVE you!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Kueffer saw this stage during our mom's group halloween party and could not resist to put on a show! This is K singing Itsy Bitsy Spider to the 'audience' of moms, dads, and kiddos...love how he even jumps down to 'work the room'!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Kueffer really got into Halloween this year. He had been practicing 'Trick or Treat, please' for days before the big day! Daddy, Mommy and Kueffer had a very fun and full Halloween weekend. It started on Saturday afternoon with the Brookside Mom's Boo Bash. Mommy is the president of the organization so 'Lucky Daddy' gets in on the fun too! It really is a fun event for the families and Kueffer loved playing with all of his friends. *Last year, our family won best family costume dressed at Caddyshack. Daddy thought that it would not be fair to participate this year since Mommy was Pres....right. It did get him off of the hook!

Sunday, we hosted our 2nd annual Pre Trick or Treating party at our house for our block and some friends. It was a beautiful day! The kiddos had such a great time playing with the toys, bouncing the the bouncy house, and getting an early start on the sugar rush. I am not sure how long many of the children made it trick or treating that night because the Dawdy's were worn out!All of the parents getting ready to capture the perfect photo :)After the party, we did manage to keep Kueffer awake long enough for a couple of trick or treating stops. First stop, Uncle Brad's house!Then to Aunt Michelle and Uncle Tom's!

As soon as Kueffer was back in his carseat, he was out. We definitely enjoyed every minute of our Halloween weekend and hope you did too!

So sorry that I have been AWOL from blogging this week. I truly thought that I had posted at least once this past week, but ...oops! I hope all of the cute pictures of Kueffer will make up for it. :)