Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Snow Day Fun!

We have been lucky enough to enough a few snow days the last couple of weeks . 
We have had lots of fun enjoying the snow.

Kueffer and Daddy went sledding last weekend and had a blast! 
Today, we got more snow and it was perfect for snowballs and making a snowman!
 This is Kueffer and 'Coney'.  Kueffer wanted to make a cone headed snowman.  Who knows?! 
Completing Coney's look is a sugar cone hat, tomato eyes, and pepper nose.  Kueffer then decided he needed ears.

 Snow Fort!
Our little snow angel
We hope that you are all enjoying the snow and staying warm.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Our little snow plow

IMG_1200.MOV a video by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
After our snow storm last week, Kueffer really helped to clear our 12" of snow. He was singing and shoveling. Daddy can't wait until he is older and can really shovel some of this stuff!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kid Hoops

Daddy and Kueffer enrolled in kid hoop basketball this month and are having a wonderful time!
 The kiddos do drills with their mom or dad while 'Coach' directs them in what to do.
 So cute watching them learn to work together.
 Kueffer loves it!

Way to go, Kueffer!

Sunday, February 17, 2013


 Kueffer got a new Star Wars book for Valentine's Day.  He loved it so much, he could not wait to share it with his buddy Cole.
Loved catching them 'reading' to one another.  So sweet!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Preschool Valenitine's Day party

 Mommy was lucky enough to get to volunteer in Kueffer's classroom for their Valentine's Day party!
 The children had so much fun playing outside, playing musical chairs...and some of those kiddos are serious about their musical chairs!  You would have thought that the winner, Jack had just won a gold medal!
We also got to make a special craft.  Mommy was the helper at a table full of girls, so she got her fill of glitter, pink and purple! :)
It was so much fun watching Kueffer play with his friends on this special day!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Kueffer's love of all things Star Wars played into his Valentines for his preschool classmates. 
Kueffer and Mommy made this special 'light saber' valentines- and getting Kueffer to write his name on 16+ cards was no easy feat!
He kept reminding Mommy and Daddy that he had SEVEN letters in his name!

We hope that everyone had a wonderful and Happy Valentine's Day!
We feel very blessed to have our sweet 4 (and a half) year old sweetie!
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Bitty Hoops!

 Kueffer played on a YMCA Bitty Hoops team last month.  It was definitely an experience...They held 3 practices and then 3 GAMES!  Yes, real games.  Or real for 4 and 5 year olds. 
 The coaches deserve A LOT of credit for just getting the boys to stop hugging and actually attempting to dribble and shoot. 
 Kueffer had so much fun and actually made a basket in a game! 
(of course, Mommy missed that shot!)

 Magic Kueffer in action!
I think that this is right after his basket
Great job, Bombers!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cat Dancer

IMG_1189.MOV a video by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Mommy caught Kueffer doing a little dance for our kitty Lucy the other morning.
When Kueffer is older, he will never forgive me for sharing this.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dr. Smith

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Last month, Kueffer went for his dentist appt. with Dr. Smith. He was so excited to see him and remembered everything Dr. Smith told him last time. He even reminded the dental asst of a few things. ;) We had to wait a while for Dr. Smith to come in- as all of the other little patients were not so happy to be in the dentist's office that day. K did not mind, he had A LOT to say to everyone...and I mean A LOT! When we left they gave K a gift certificate for frozen yogurt since he was so patient and good.

P.S. GREAT report...the chompers look good!