Wednesday, July 27, 2011

1st Dentist Appointment

The milestones are starting at, Kueffer had his first visit to the Dentist!
Kueffer and Mommy visited Dr. Smith and, seriously, Kueffer did AWESOME!
Daddy and Mommy prepped him a bit by reading this sweet book that the dentist office had sent describing what the dentist visit would be like for him....Thank you, Dr. Smith!
Kueffer had no problem - walked right in and asked to see Dr. Smith! Jumped right up in the BIG dentist chair, let the dental assistant clean and floss his teeth (no biggee!) and then counted to make sure all of his teeth were, he had all 20! ;)
Dr. Smith was so sweet to him and pretty funny- He's been doing this a while, obviously. He said that Kueffer's teeth looked great, healthy and no sign of any decay!
Kueffer left the office with all sorts of goodies- new toothbrush, stickers, toothpaste, toys, etc. and couldn't wait to use his new toothpaste when we got home.
Daddy and Mommy are so proud of their little guy with the 'sparkling chompers'! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

All About 3!

Kueffer visited Dr. Espe for his 3Year check up last Thursday and it was all about being 3!
He grew so much this past year...
weighing in at 33 lbs (in the 75-90% up from 25% at his 2 year appt!!!)
and is 3ft 3 in tall (90% in height)!
Yes, our little K is definitely 3!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guess who's 3?

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

It's hard to believe that our sweet Kueffer is 3 years old. Actually, Daddy and Mommy can't seem to remember life before him;). Kueffer brings such joy to our lives every day. He is smart, funny, loving- we are so blessed and thank God for you each day.
We LOVE you so much, Kueffer!
Happy THIRD Birthday!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We had a wonderful day at VillageFest! We are so lucky to live in such a 'family friendly' area of Kansas City. Kueffer loved all of the music and entertainment-
Daddy and Mommy loved that it was finally not 100 degrees outside!

Feeding animals at the petting zoo with Daddy
Getting a 'tattoo'
Kueffer and real race car!Getting his 'dinosaur' balloon from the clown
Heading back home!
We hope that you all had an AWESOME 4th of July!