Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's party time!

Daddy, Mommy, Grandma Karen and Kueffer went to our annual Halloween celebration today and once again, it was a GREAT time!
We were one of the first to arrive and of the 6 kiddos that were there at that time,
3 were SPIDERMAN! Yep, looks like it's going to be a pretty safe place around here on Halloween.
Mommy likes to think that we are 'on trend'-
obviously, Spiderman is THE costume this season!;)Ask a 3 year old high on candy and cookies to take a picture and this is what you get...and this!hmmmm...which disgusting thing can I touch first?
By the way, he did this several times. Yay!

We all had a wonderful time and can't wait until next year!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Rest assured Prairie Villagers...

Spiderman is in the 'hood!Kueffer is VERY excited about his halloween costume...Spiderman, the super hero. Yes, that's how he says it. He's been practicing his super hero poses ...hopefully the costume will make it another week before the BIG night!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Preschool Pumpkin Patch

Kueffer and Mommy joined Kueffer's preschool class at Deanna Rose Farm for a Fun Friday! Mommy sent an email to the classes asking if anyone would like to join them
and 25+ parents and preschoolers came! Mommy had a great time meeting so many of the other
parents and we all loved watching the kiddos play together. Kueffer and his friend, Cole

We were there for almost 4 hours- well, some of us lasted that long.Kueffer and Lauren (aka Jessie!) still going strong after ice cream!

It was such a beautiful day and we can't wait to get together with our friends again.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Visit to Iowa

Last month we road tripped for a weekend in Iowa with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Evva. Kueffer remembered the visit from last year and went right for the toy room inside and the jungle gym in the backyard!
We had a fun visit and enjoyed catching up! Hope to see you soon! :)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Latest 'Kuefferisms'

Kueffer really is a unique kid...each day he cracks us up with something that he says. Here are some of the latest.

Mommy: Kueffer, you're really smart.
Kueffer: No, tell me I'm a genius.
Mommy: Okay, you're a genius.
Kueffer: I try.

Daddy: Kueffer, don't tell me I'm wrong. That's not nice.
Kueffer: Daddy, you're not right, and I am right.

Mommy bumping into Kueffer on accident.
Mommy: Sorry that I bumped you, Kueffer.
Kueffer: That's okay, Mommy. Everyone makes mistakes. Accidents happen all the time.

Mommy singing to the car radio, tv, etc.
Kueffer: Mommy, let them sing!

and today as Kueffer and Mommy were having breakfast...
Kueffer: Mommy, please come sit by me.
Mommy: Okay, Kueffer
Kueffer: Let's have a talk show.

chillin' at the park

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

The weather has been BEAUTIFUL lately so we have been taking advantage of it and playing outside anytime that we can. Today, Kueffer and his little friend Cole went to the park after preschool. They took a break from running and climbing to enjoy a little pirate booty snack on the playground bridge.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I LOVE to get 'Feelfy'

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

Kueffer has become a total 'dirt magnet' and if there is dirt around, he is in it! I swear when Mommy picks him up from school, he is the messiest looking kid in class. Mommy has had to 'retire' almost every top he's worn so far.
Kueffer' s favorite expression lately is ' I LOVE to get FEEL-fy (filthy)!' and he means it.