Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Latest 'Kuefferisms'

Kueffer really is a unique kid...each day he cracks us up with something that he says. Here are some of the latest.

Mommy: Kueffer, you're really smart.
Kueffer: No, tell me I'm a genius.
Mommy: Okay, you're a genius.
Kueffer: I try.

Daddy: Kueffer, don't tell me I'm wrong. That's not nice.
Kueffer: Daddy, you're not right, and I am right.

Mommy bumping into Kueffer on accident.
Mommy: Sorry that I bumped you, Kueffer.
Kueffer: That's okay, Mommy. Everyone makes mistakes. Accidents happen all the time.

Mommy singing to the car radio, tv, etc.
Kueffer: Mommy, let them sing!

and today as Kueffer and Mommy were having breakfast...
Kueffer: Mommy, please come sit by me.
Mommy: Okay, Kueffer
Kueffer: Let's have a talk show.

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