Friday, October 31, 2008


Anyone that doesn't like vegetables, just hasn't met the right one!

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

What a Weekend...part 2

On Sunday, Kueffer, Mommy and Daddy went to another Halloween party. Mommy had the brilliant idea to dress up as a family. We went as a spider (Kueffer) and spider's web (Mommy and Daddy)! We did not win the costume contest and, although I think we were cheated, I am coming to terms with it! :)

Here are some cute pics of the spooky spider family!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What a Weekend- part 1

All week I have been volunteering with the Junior League for our annual Holiday Mart. This year, I was on the HM committee which meant I was there each day from Tuesday until Sunday...whew! Each night, Matt and Kueffer spent some wonderful 'Daddy/Son Bonding Time' which I know that they both loved. On Saturday, Kueffer had his first Holiday Mart shopping experience with Grandma Mary Ann, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Bobbi and Mommy. He was such a good sport and several other shoppers commented on how much fun he seemed to be having (such a charmer) and how cute he was...well, duh! :)

He is going to be the best shopping buddy with his mommy!
Here is a photo of Kueffer with his Aunt Bobbi at the end of a long shopping day.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

'Lil Punkin

On Saturday we visited the pumpkin patch. Okay, yes, it was definitely more for Mommy than Kueffer, but hey- a photo op is a photo op, right? It was a gorgeous fall day! We went to Deanna Rose Farm and rode on the horse drawn wagon to the pumpkin patch. I could tell Kueffer was very excited ...well, he did not fall asleep! He was such a good sport and so was Matt...Daddy thought it was a little silly (okay, A LOT silly) but I insist that one day when he looks back on the photos that he will love that we took him, even at 3 1/2 months, to his first pumpkin patch!

The whole outing only took about 30 minutes total- we arrived, went to get the pumpkins and then just don't waste time with a baby, huh?! :)

Happy Fall!

Monday, October 20, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Spooky...'

Yippee!, Halloween is upon us! Quite a while ago, I could not resist and bought Kueffer's halloween costume. I found the cutest devil costume at Pottery Barn Kids and could not wait to show Matt. Being the reasonable guy that he is, he told me that I should not go overboard (me?!) and only get him 1 costume. Of course, I agreed. I even found that he had made a reminder on his iPhone to see if I did only purchase 1 costume...ugh! I fully planned on sticking to that agreement, but...As of last night, we are up to 3! Please, let me explain...

Okay, first there is the devil cute! We attended our first halloween party yesterday and, after he woke, Grandma Karen and I wrestled him into it. He looked adorable, of course!

Now for #2...We are attending another halloween party next Sunday and are all supposed to be in costume. Initially, I looked for ideas that would incorporate the devil costume...devil and mommy and daddy as 2 angels, devil and nun and preist (thought against that as we don't want to offend anyone)...Matt vetoed these. Okay, then moved on to the obvious- 3 little pigs, 3 blind mice, 3 amigos, ...Matt's response...'no, no, no'...then used pop culture as inspiration- democrat, republican (wouldn't Kueffer be the cutest elephant?) and Ralph Nader...No! , Okay...Martha Stewart (me) Kueffer as a cupcake, and Matt as...a rolling pin! He actually contemplated that one! Well, after I had almost given up we decided on....drumroll, please...Matt and I as a spider web and Kueffer as a spider! Whew, finally!
and #3...last night at dinner for Uncle Brad's birthday, Aunt Michelle said that she had bought him a carrot costume! How cute will that be?! I love how almost everyone is on board with my obsession with adorable clothes!!!

I will definitely post pics of all three costumes...and probably more!

Above is a photo of Grandma Karen and Daddy from our party yesterday. Kueffer was so tired, but such a good baby. He was not into the devil horns, so did not wear those!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Coffee....ummm...'Milk Talk"

Kueffer is quite a little chatterbox. So much so that even in the morning when he is taking his first bottle, he will stop mid-way to have a little chat. He will get this look on his face and then start gurgling, going on and on! Mommy enjoys these 'morning conversations' as he is so expressive and obviously has so much to say. His little personality is getting more and more adorable each day. What a ham!

Follow up to the post regarding our family photo...We received a call from the photographer this week regarding when we would like to schedule a time to view the photos. We were not looking forward to seeing them thinking that they would be AWFUL, but apparently they are great. She wants to use a couple of them in her new brochures!...We can't believe it and now are dying to see them! Of course, we realize that they are good because of the star....Kueffer. He is so cute, how could any photos of him not be perfect?!

You Make Me Feel Like Dancin'

Kueffer is really kicking and moving his arms so much lately. He gets so excited and responds to us in such an adorable way. As you can see from the video though, he is not that good with direction sometimes! Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Babysitter Spotlight- Uncle Brad

Kueffer's Uncle Brad sat with him on Sunday night while Matt and I attended a dinner. Brad is great with babies and we loved that they were able to spend some time together. We know Brad is very busy, so we truly appreciate it! (He even had to go into work after he left our house!!!)

Thanks, Uncle Brad!

Note...that picutre is not from Sunday night. Kueffer is MUCH bigger than that now! This photo was taken while we were still in the hospital. You could already see how much they like each other!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sweeter than Candy Corn

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy

It is finally feeling a bit more like fall around here and with the cooler weather comes new fall clothes! Kueffer received this adorable Halloween outfit from his Aunt Bobbi, so we could not wait to wear it! (yes, WE...see how happy he is?!) Actually, last week when Grandma Mary Ann came to visit, she brought several new outfits from Aunt Lisa and Grandpa and Grandma. Grandma Karen went shopping for Kueffer too!

With all of the new fall styles, Mommy is getting a bit jealous of Kueffer's fall wardrobe and very full closet.

Let the Fall Fashion Season begin!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy 3 month Birthday to you...

Kueffer turned 3 months old yesterday! It is so hard to believe that this sweet little baby has been with us 3 months. In some regards, it is hard to imagine that it has only been 3 months because we can't imagine our lives without him. He has changed so much and we have loved every (okay, MOST every) minute. That first night, we did not think that we would make it through. Now we can't wait for him to get up and smile at us in the morning.

Everyone said that having a baby would completely change our lives and we had no idea what to expect. They were all right- our lives are totally different and we would not change it one bit!

p.s. Happy Birthday, Grandma Mary Ann! :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...

Rollin Rollin Rollin
Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Yes, he has finally done it! He has rolled before, during the night, but last night, he rolled over on purpose! He was trying so hard, but could never quite make it and then...HE DID IT! Today, he perfected the roll onto his stomach, but hadn't quite mastered getting back over. He kept rolling over, then I would hear this grunting and see his face 'planted' into the blanket or lion mat...we played a fun game of roll over, mommy flips me back over many, many times today. After wearing himself out and taking a bit of a nap, he was back at it. Later this afternoon, he was rolling from back to stomach and then back again. He was so proud of himself!!!

Grandma Mary Ann was here to witness it, so he was really showing off!

Not sure if he was 'channeling' Grandma Karen last night as she was 'rollin on the river' at the Tina Turner concert, but Kueffer was 'rollin on the lion mat' like a superstar!