Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tummy Virus

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Sorry for the lack of blog posts so far this week, but Kueffer came down with a nasty tummy virus on Friday morning. Mommy and Kueffer were planning a busy day last Friday and, as with most plans, they changed. That morning during breakfast, Kueffer got sick! He went to visit his Dr. and was diagnosed. As you can see, while Kueffer was waiting, he kept himself busy by destroying the paper on the examination table!
Saturday, Mommy came down with the same bug. Yuck! Poor Daddy had to nurse both patients most of the weekend.
Thanks for taking such good care of us. We love you!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Beach Baby!

Next Thursday, Kueffer is going to Florida! Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Karen, and Uncle Brad are all going to visit Uncle Tom and Aunt Michelle. Last night, Mommy and Kueffer held a mini fashion show to try on Kueffer's 'vacation wardrobe'. Daddy kept apologizing to Kueffer for doing this to him, but come on, as you can see...he LOVED it!

Do we have a model in the making?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today Kueffer and Mommy 'watched' the inauguration of our new President. So much talk of change and hope. It is exciting seeing so much pride to be an American. Wonder how the world will change as Kueffer grows?

Monday, January 19, 2009

I know you!

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Yesterday Kueffer discovered his image in the dishwasher reflection. He is really starting to notice himself in the mirrors.
He must really like what he sees because he actually will sit for a while and stare and smile at himself!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kueffer's First Basketball Game!

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Monday, Kueffer and Mommy went to visit Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary Ann. It has been 2 months since Grandpa broke his ankle and hopefully, he will be walking soon. He can't wait! :) During the visit, Kueffer attended his first basketball game! Cousin Brock plays varsity basketball on his high school team, so Kueffer went to cheer him on. (Great job, Brock!!!) Kueffer sat on Aunt Lisa's and Grandma's laps during the entire game and was perfect. BUT...as you can see from the photos, he may not have been totally into the game. Aunt Lisa is watching the game and Kueffer watched the cheerleaders!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Someone please tell Kueffer that he is a 6 month old BABY! Today, he actually started climbing the stairs- not 1 or 2, but 3 stairs! He is so quick, Mommy and Daddy cannot take their eyes off of him for a second. He must have been planning this move for a while because the minute he got the chance, he went for it.

A good friend once referred to the months 4-6 as the 'honeymoon phase'. She said that this is right before babies really start to move and you can go places and they are calm and easy. Someone must have forgot to tell Kueffer because we missed that phase.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sweet Potatoes!

Kueffer had his first 'real' food yesterday...sweet potatoes. Mommy was not sure if he would like them, but boy did he ever... He ate the entire serving! Gotta maintain our 'big boy' as he just turned 6 months and weighs a very healthy 18lbs. 6 oz and 27 1/2 " long!!!

Have a wonderful weekend...Kueffer is movin' on to bananas and squash over the weekend- wish us luck! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Check out these chompers!

Kueffer got his 2nd tooth right before Christmas and is chewing on everything!

Does everything taste good when you're teething? :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I missed Mommy?

Today was Kueffer's first day to attend Mother's Day Out. Mommy was stressed the entire night before and morning hoping that he would not get upset when she left. Well...Kueffer fell asleep on the way there, so he did not get upset when she left. He did not even know it. During the day, one of mommy's friends e-mailed her an update that Kueffer was having fun when she dropped off her little boy. Relief. Mommy imagined that Kueffer would be so happy to see her when she picked him up in the afternoon. He was away from her for 5+ hours and should miss her, right?! Mommy went to pick him up and a little boy cried for her when she arrived at the door. No, it was not Kueffer. It was another baby thinking this was his mommy. Kueffer did not even notice. Mommy called his name...nothing. He was too busy playing. Yes, Kueffer had a good day at Mother's Day Out and 'no' he obviously did not suffer from 'separation anxiety'. :) Should a 6 month old be this independent!?!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

We celebrated Kueffer's first New Year's Eve by hitting TWO parties! We went to a New Year's Eve 'European Style' party and rang in the New Year with London at 6pm. Then scooted off to a family party to see everyone after the holidays- Kueffer even met some new friends! We were all back home and he was in bed at a late 8:30 pm. It took Kueffer almost all day to recover from his first New Year's Eve parties!

We wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy 2009!

Don't forget Flickr!

Halloween photos
Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Hi everyone. 2008 was a VERY good year for us! Although we don't remember the first 6 months, we have some of our photos of the last 6 months on our photo stream on Flickr. Just click here and you can see 6 months worth of pictures (some of them, anyway, we haven't uploaded them all of course) in the life of Kueffer.
