Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kueffer's First Basketball Game!

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Monday, Kueffer and Mommy went to visit Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary Ann. It has been 2 months since Grandpa broke his ankle and hopefully, he will be walking soon. He can't wait! :) During the visit, Kueffer attended his first basketball game! Cousin Brock plays varsity basketball on his high school team, so Kueffer went to cheer him on. (Great job, Brock!!!) Kueffer sat on Aunt Lisa's and Grandma's laps during the entire game and was perfect. you can see from the photos, he may not have been totally into the game. Aunt Lisa is watching the game and Kueffer watched the cheerleaders!

1 comment:

Rebounding said...

Of COURSE he was staring at the cheerleaders. He knows where the action really is...