Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dear Jesus

Tonight when Mommy was putting Kueffer to bed, we said our night time prayers.  Here was Kueffer's prayer.
Dear Jesus,
Please make my friend Cole better.  He was sick today and had a bad cough at our playdate yesterday.  He was tired and fell asleep. (I told him that Cole had fallen asleep on the walk that we took today.)
Alleluja, Amen!
Then he wanted Mommy to say her prayer.
Dear Jesus,
Please make Cole feel better.  Also, please watch over Daddy and Kueffer and our friends and family.  Also please help Aunt Bobbi feel better before we go home for Grandma's birthday this weekend.  Please watch over Kueffer at gymnastics tomorrow too. (K quickly corrected me since he wasn't sick, but I said you don't have to be sick to be in prayers.)
Kueffer shouted out the the ceiling 'Hey Jesus, that's me...I'm the kid in the prayer!'...
you know, just to clarify.

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