Saturday, April 14, 2012

Say What?

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

Kueffer's always been a very smart and creative kiddo, if we do say so! :) But lately, he has been coming up with some doozie phrases. Seriously, kids DO say the darndest things!
Here are just a few examples of a few from this week.
Wearing his 'heartbreaker' boxer briefs and new cowboy hat (photo above) he did an entire monologue as 'Jasper the Cowboy' ...what?

Then, as Mommy suggested going out for ice cream one afternoon, his response, 'You said it, Girl!' seriously?!

Kueffer came up to Mommy and said 'Lucy's really good at the quiet game.' Lucy is the cat. Later, Mommy heard him say 'You lose!' ...apparently she was purring too loudly.

And, after the big egg hunt last week, there was still one balloon floating around. Mommy heard him playing upstairs and talking...talking to 'Smacky'. It was the balloon. He and 'Smacky' were playing.

Obviously, he has a HUGE imagination and after playdates with the cat and a balloon, he needs some playdates with real kiddos! ;)

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