Friday, September 30, 2011

Kueffer and Daddy's talk about 'God'

The other day, Kueffer and Mommy were driving to the park when Kueffer said 'Daddy said that God is everywhere. He said that he is in our house, at school, in the car, and he REALLY likes peanut butter!'
The night before when Daddy and Kueffer were reading books, Kueffer picked out 'The church is a special place' book to read. He received this from our church when he was ready to move from the nursery to Sunday School and every once in a while, Kueffer likes to read it. That night, Daddy and K got into a deeper discussion as Kueffer was asking lots of questions like 'who is God?'. I am so glad that Daddy could tell him all about it and Kueffer really got it. I just love how his mind works...not sure that Daddy mentioned the whole peanut butter thing, but I'm sure God is okay with peanut butter too!

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