Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shark Week

Well, actually 'Shark Summer' in our case.
Kueffer has been taking swimming lessons with his little friend, Lauren all summer and has had the best time. Lauren's house has a pool in the backyard, so the lessons were at her house and our instructor, Miss Laura came there. It was perfect!
Miss Laura is a 'Klassy Kat' at Kansas State, so Kueffer and Lauren's Daddies were a little bummed that the lessons were held in the morning...sorry, boys! :)

Miss Laura was great with the kids and made the lessons so much fun! Kueffer had such a great time at lessons and a bit of playtime and breakfast after each lesson.
Mommy had a great time as well, chatting with Lauren's Mommy each day.

Kueffer LOVES to swim and really has improved over the summer- floating, jumping in, kicking, doing arm strokes and doing bob after bob after bob...well, you get the picture. He is NOT afraid of the water. Fearless AND thinks he's much bigger than he is. He always wanted to do what the 'big boys' at the pool were doing...Let's just say, Mommy did not get to do any relaxing or sunbathing.Lauren with her new 'mermaid' that Kueffer gave to her after their last lesson together

We would go to lessons in the morning and then swim at the pool in the afternoon. (No, he still didn't nap...ugh!) He'd say 'Mommy, let's be fishies!' ...seriously, who could refuse that cuteness? Mommy and K would 'play shark' and chase after each other- the 'shark' would make a fin with their hands and hum the theme from 'Jaws' ...da da da da dadadadadadadad....Yikes!

We love our 'little fish'!

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