Saturday, December 19, 2009


Kueffer has been quite a good host introducing all of the new 'holiday guests' in our home. This week, Kueffer introduced two of his new 'best friends' to one another. He fell in love with the Grinch doll the minute he saw it one morning and has taken him to 'school' and dragged him all over the house. Once Kueffer 'met' Baby Jesus from our Nativity scene this week, he had to get his new friends together! Kueffer thought Baby Jesus was pretty cool- he was pushing him around on the floor like a car and talking to him. When he made the 'big introduction' it was very formal...hugs and kisses, of course!

Wow, you're fast...I bet you can do LOTS of things! :)
Let's meet some of my friends...Baby Jesus, Grinch...kiss, kiss!

It is so cute watching Kueffer react to all of the wonderful lights and sounds this Christmas season. We know it will just get more and more fun each year!

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