Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fun with Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Clark

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Last week, Kueffer and Mommy went on a roadtrip to visit Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Clark. Our adventure began by going to Aunt Bobbi's university and getting the VIP tour. Kueffer loved exploring the campus and got up close and personal with the bronze Hornet statues and stairways! Then we went back to Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Clark's home, stopping by Uncle Clark's elevator and seeing all of the big trucks, tractors, and even got on Uncle Clark's Harley! Once we got home, it was time to go swimming. Kueffer loves to swim and was very brave - thinking he could walk by himself into the pool- yikes, putting his face in and playing in the sprinklers! After that, the fun continued with a town parade and then the FAIR! ...more photos to come in a future blog from the fair! I don't know how Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Clark arranged it, but it was like all of the fun was scheduled just for his visit.
It was a wonderful day...thanks Aunt Bobbi and Uncle Clark! We love you!

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