Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Giggle Session

Here is a video of one of Kueffer's many giggle sessions that occur most days! We are so lucky that he is such a happy little guy. As it turns out, Kueffer was probably suffering from an ear infection when this was taped. Does he look or sound like he is in pain? Mommy and Daddy could not believe it when the Pediatrician told us.

Obviously he is teething. (He is chewing on the fence to the farm set that Grandpa Bob and Grandma Mary Ann gave him for Valentine's Day!) Those 2 top front teeth are coming in!

1 comment:

Mama McShortie said...

Adorable! Little Miss is teething too -- cranky and waking up more at night! Sorry to hear everyone isn't feeling well in your household. Everyone here is fine, except for Mama who has a whopper of a cold.