Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Social Butterfly

Originally uploaded by zeusdawdy
Whew...what a weekend! Kueffer is quite the social baby! Well, let's start with Friday...Kueffer went for his first round of immunization shots (eek!). Mommy was so worried and chatted with Daddy and Grandma Mary Ann for reassurance the entire way to the Dr.'s office. He was such a Super Star during his appointment- chatting and smiling - completely charming the Dr. and nurses! :) then...'Nurse Needles' came in...Kueffer was just smiling and talking when she went for it AND his huge smile completely disappeared and was replaced with the most upset, red face followed by sobs. It was awful. He calmed and then fell asleep on the way home. He was so happy to get to spend his afternoon with Grandma Karen. That night, back in 'Kueffer ' form and charming as ever at Uncle Tom and Aunt Michelle's house!

Saturday we traveled back to California to celebrate Grandma and Grandpa's 45th anniversary. He was the center of attention at a party that night- sorry for stealing the spotlight Grandma and Grandpa! :) It was so much fun!

Sunday, back home. What a busy weekend and he was perfect, shots and all. AND he slept at least 9 hours every night!!! Until last night. Hey, nothing lasts forever.

This is Kueffer Monday morning...What a weekend!

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