Friday, October 22, 2010

Having fun in the 'Perfect' Village

We have an old tree in front of our house. It's pretty, but high maintenance! It leaves lots of leaves, acorns, and branches in our yard. Our first year in our home, there was an ice storm. We were out of town for Christmas and our neighbor emailed to say 'Merry Christmas' and that they were sorry about the car. What? Well, our 'pretty tree' had tossed huge branch on Daddy's car and totaled it. Ugh!
Lately, it's been looking a bit weak and we were getting a bit afraid if the wind blew too strong- didn't want another surprise. It was time to get it trimmed again. BUT since we live in the 'Perfect Village' - we received a letter saying that the city was going to go around and trim the trees on each side of the streets for city maintenance. Yeah! The other day Kueffer and Mommy came home to this...
They were trimming our tree!
Kueffer loved watching the guy in the 'basket' with the chainsaw.Kueffer and Mommy stayed outside watching them for quite a while.
Just another reason to love PV!

1 comment:

Mama McShortie said...

I miss Perfect Village! We bought in the wrong city this time!