Friday, November 14, 2008

"He's going to be a very active baby..."

Kueffer's pediatrician told me at his 2 month visit that he was going to be very active. Then at the 4 month visit, reconfirmed this. Kueffer is 'talking' and rolling over, never wants to stop as there is just too much for him to do! :) He is perfecting the art of the raspberry so we wanted to share this adorable video with you.

He is very close to crawling...eek! He is up on all fours and scooting now...Not sure if Mommy and Daddy are ready for this, but he is not slowing down!


Mama McShortie said...

As a mama to a relatively active boy... brace yourselves!! I think K is even more active than Q was at that age!

Rebounding said...

You just scared the crap out of both of us... I get tired just watching Q on the move.