Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Three 'Mc'Musketeers!

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Mommy decided it would be a great idea one day to take Kueffer and his friends, Cole and Bo home from Bible School. (yes, you read correctly...TWO friends!)
First stop, McDonald's for lunch.
Not sure how many times people approached and said 'good luck'!
Then on to the was a fun day, even for Mommy...exhausted, but fun!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Camping, Kueffer style

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Darryl gave Kueffer a backpack, flashlight, and sleeping bag for his birthday.
He was ready to go camping.
Even in the 100+ degree weather, he was ready to sleep under the stars.
Everyone else, not so much...maybe this fall.  maybe.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Watch out, Phelps!

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.
Kueffer even swims in the tub. Recently he was in the 'Olympics' swimming a very long race- to the end of the tub AND back...whew!
Daddy and Mommy were proud of our 'Gold Medalist' as he won HUNDREDS that night!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where have we been?

This summer was FUN and I guess that the Dawdys were having so much fun, there was no time to blog.  Sorry!
I promise to bring everyone up to speed, but here are a couple of fun things that we did in July.
We went to San Antonio!
Okay, not many photos, but our little family had a great time in San Antonio and Austin. Mommy and Kueffer spent the weekend with Daddy and left on Monday.  Daddy had to stay the rest of the week for work.
 We rode the boat down the riverwalk...doesn't K look thrilled!
Kueffer did discover the Shirley Temple and LOVED them!  He ordered one every night at dinner.
We then celebrated Kueffer's BIG 4th Birthday with a party...yes, that get's it's own blog post!
and then...went to Memphis!
Kueffer seriously morphed into a fish, or shark as he would say,this summer.  Our friends in Memphis have a pool and K was in it almost every waking moment that we were there. 
Spent 7 1/2 hours in the pool one day...seriously, a FISH!