We have so much to be thankful for! 
Here are just a few of the things that I am thankful for this thanksgiving...
*Hearing Daddy and Kueffer doing 'British' accents..."Jolly Good, Sir!"
*Our nightly rituals of hugs, rub noses, butterfly kisses (even though Kueffer tells me EXACTLY how to do butterfly kisses every night!)- and the latest, spider man hugs, spidey kisses and super hero flights to bed!
*Love hearing Kueffer and Daddy's stories/puppet shows thru the bedroom door after I leave Kueffer's room at night. Yes, I get kicked out as it's 'boy's only'! ;)
*Kueffer's 4897 questions he asks every day! I read somewhere that the average 4 year old asks 437 questions a day. Looks like he is WAY ahead of schedule!
*Our WONDERFUL family and friends! We are truly blessed to have such a great family and group of friends in our lives.
We hope that all of you have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!
Matt, Michelle and Kueffer