Sunday, August 28, 2011

Super Hero

Super Hero a video by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

We are pretty sure that all of the 'people' that needed rescued did not make it since it took Super Kueffer so long to save them.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

T Rex Cafe

I know that this is a little late (Okay, really late...) but here goes...
On Kueffer's 3rd birthday, Daddy and Mommy took their little dino to T REX CAFE for dinner. He LOVED it! It was a pretty fun place for any dinosaur lover with lots of creatures everywhere and a 'meteor shower' occurred every few minutes to make the experience even more exciting.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dinosaur Expedition

This past weekend, Daddy, Mommy and Kueffer visited Powell Gardens for the Jurassic Garden exhibit. Kueffer LOVES dinos and we had planned to go all summer- well, summer is ending and this exhibit was ending Sunday, so now was the time!
**Although, when we drove into the parking lot, Kueffer fell asleep. It could have gone really good or really badly, but Mommy woke Kueffer saying 'Kueffer, do you want to go see some dinos?' and he woke up so excited and couldn't wait...whew!**

Upon entering, we spotted a KUEFFER- ASAURUS!
ROAR!Kueffer loved the gardens and 'hunting' for the each dinosaur.
Dino Tracks!
He followed the tracks and even helped Daddy read the map! He was so cute saying 'hmmm, let me check the map' and 'we need to go here' like he could actually read it. BUT he was usually right!Kueffer with T Rex...and Map (thanks, Dora!)Kueffer with the last dino- yes, Mommy had to take a pic with every dino at the park.
Great time with our 'little archeologist'!

Yes, this blog post was pretty 'picture heavy' but hey, would you have wanted to miss any of these adorable photos? ;)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


This boy really knows how to enjoy some ice cream! We've enjoyed lots of it during our hot summer. The other day, Mommy drove for some soft serve for K...he wanted vanilla ice cream- specifically in a cone! In the short ride home, he managed to wear/eat the entire thing...well, not the cone. Recently he has insisted on a cone, but won't eat it. Mommy thinks Kueffer thinks that it's the 'big boy' way to eat ice cream!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lady's Man

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

Kueffer has been invited to TWO play dates in the past week. While this is not unusual, with these 2 'dates' he is the only boy! These are little girls that were in his summer PDO group and they were getting together and wanted Kueffer to be there! At the first playdate, one of the dads said 'Oh, so this is Kueffer? I've heard so much about him!" Then the other moms said that K was the only boy that their little girls ever mentioned.
Mommy should have picked up on this at pick up when he would be playing cars with all of the boys, but the girls would give him 'goodbye hugs' before they left.
Are we in trouble or what? :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Grrrr...I'm strong!

IMG_3739.MOV a video by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

Beware the effect that 'The Hulk' big boy underwear can have on a toddler!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kids are...insane

Just a Game a video by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

If I did this they'd put me away. But it DOES look like fun.

Soccer Finale

A couple of weeks ago was Kueffer's last soccer clinic for the summer.
It was so much fun watching him learn and really like soccer!
As you can see, it was a very HOT Saturday and
many of the players and parents wimped out and skipped the last week.
Not the Dawdy's!Going in to score a goal on DaddyGOAL! Coach Jared looks as excited as Mommy!
Gimme Five Action Shot

Can't wait for fall soccer league and actual games!
Or whatever you call watching 3 year olds run to whatever goal is closest. ;)

Monday, August 8, 2011

3rd Birthday...Can you 'dig it'!?

It's been a month since Kueffer's BIG 3rd Birthday Party and
Mommy is finally getting around to sharing all of the fun details!

Kueffer wanted a Dino Dig party so Mommy and Daddy had so much fun helping to plan an exciting party for our Big Boy!
Since it was soooo hot outside, Daddy found and put up a Dinosaur pool for the kiddos to keep cool outside. K already putting his new fishing pole to use in the pool!

There was a dino dig for the 'young archeologists' - complete with pith helmets!

We are all having so much fun that we almost forgot about CAKE and Cupcakes!

It was an AWESOME party!
Kueffer is so lucky to have such great friends and family to help celebrate!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shark Week

Well, actually 'Shark Summer' in our case.
Kueffer has been taking swimming lessons with his little friend, Lauren all summer and has had the best time. Lauren's house has a pool in the backyard, so the lessons were at her house and our instructor, Miss Laura came there. It was perfect!
Miss Laura is a 'Klassy Kat' at Kansas State, so Kueffer and Lauren's Daddies were a little bummed that the lessons were held in the morning...sorry, boys! :)

Miss Laura was great with the kids and made the lessons so much fun! Kueffer had such a great time at lessons and a bit of playtime and breakfast after each lesson.
Mommy had a great time as well, chatting with Lauren's Mommy each day.

Kueffer LOVES to swim and really has improved over the summer- floating, jumping in, kicking, doing arm strokes and doing bob after bob after bob...well, you get the picture. He is NOT afraid of the water. Fearless AND thinks he's much bigger than he is. He always wanted to do what the 'big boys' at the pool were doing...Let's just say, Mommy did not get to do any relaxing or sunbathing.Lauren with her new 'mermaid' that Kueffer gave to her after their last lesson together

We would go to lessons in the morning and then swim at the pool in the afternoon. (No, he still didn't nap...ugh!) He'd say 'Mommy, let's be fishies!' ...seriously, who could refuse that cuteness? Mommy and K would 'play shark' and chase after each other- the 'shark' would make a fin with their hands and hum the theme from 'Jaws' ...da da da da dadadadadadadad....Yikes!

We love our 'little fish'!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Monster Pizza

These days Mommy sometimes needs to get a bit creative in order for
Kueffer to get excited about going to the grocery store with her.
Usually this errand is done while K is at PDO, but some days you gotta just do it.
One trick that was used recently was to get Kueffer excited about what we were going to make...Monster Pizza!
We made a list and went shopping- easy, whew! Then back home to make our yummy creation.Started as a Scary Monster
Kueffer thought it should be a friendly monster...artists!
Mommy and Kueffer had a great time making it...
although all of Kueffer's excitement must have been used in the kitchen
as he did not eat any of it!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"I'm gonna go save the day for a little bit."

Yesterday Kueffer was 'saving the planet'...or whatever was in our house at 9am and he informed Mommy that 'I'm gonna go save the day for a little be quiet.' Huh?
Kuefferisms have been in abundance lately and keep cracking Daddy and Mommy up...daily, hourly, minutely?! His imagination is ALIVE to say the least. You just never know who may show up at any given moment-
could be 'Hiku' his imaginary friend,
or a friendly monster,
or Gelfred his dinosaur friend. He is one funny kid.
Yesterday his hair was looking very 'Beiber-ish' so Mommy said 'You're a little Justin Beiber'...He quickly informed me that he's 'Not Justin Beiber, I'm Kueffer!'.Kueffer and his teacher, Miss Kelly

Last week was Kueffer last day EVER in PDO. He has been attending since we was 6 months old (one day every other week) until now. Can't believe that it's been over 2 years since the day Mommy left crying at drop off. This too was a hard day for Mommy (yes, there was a bit of crying again) as they are not going to be going to Country Club this fall. Mommy thinks that Kueffer must have left a bit of an impression with the teachers, directors too...they all came by to say goodbye to Kueffer and asked us to come by and visit. He always had something funny to say to them each day when he walked in the door and was always excited to go there. Country Club was so good to us and we will miss it. :)

Gotta love our funny kiddo!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bed Head

photo.JPG by zeusdawdy
photo.JPG, a photo by zeusdawdy on Flickr.

Seriously, how cute is he? This is Matt, by the way. I have been an observer but I'll do my best to post some things here, too.