The Dawdys definitely started off the Christmas weekend right as our Christmas Eve was so much fun! Daddy, Mommy, and Kueffer attended Christmas Eve
services at our church. It was a packed house.
Kueffer was obviously very tired and the beautiful music soothed him right to sleep.
He took a little 'power nap' (he even says that!)
and was full of energy and excitement and ready for Grandma Karen's house!
Grandma prepared a beautiful and YUMMY dinner for us.
After dinner it was PRESENT TIME! Grandma must have thought that Kueffer was a very good boy this year as she gave him THIS!
Do you think he likes it? And it's SPIDERMAN!
The adults must have been pretty good this year too.
Thanks, Grandma Karen, Aunt Michelle, Uncle Tom, Uncle Brad and Sam for a wonderful night!