Anyone that doesn't like vegetables, just hasn't met the right one!
Happy Halloween!
Kueffer is quite a little chatterbox. So much so that even in the morning when he is taking his first bottle, he will stop mid-way to have a little chat. He will get this look on his face and then start gurgling, going on and on! Mommy enjoys these 'morning conversations' as he is so expressive and obviously has so much to say. His little personality is getting more and more adorable each day. What a ham!
Follow up to the post regarding our family photo...We received a call from the photographer this week regarding when we would like to schedule a time to view the photos. We were not looking forward to seeing them thinking that they would be AWFUL, but apparently they are great. She wants to use a couple of them in her new brochures!...We can't believe it and now are dying to see them! Of course, we realize that they are good because of the star....Kueffer. He is so cute, how could any photos of him not be perfect?!
It is finally feeling a bit more like fall around here and with the cooler weather comes new fall clothes! Kueffer received this adorable Halloween outfit from his Aunt Bobbi, so we could not wait to wear it! (yes, WE...see how happy he is?!) Actually, last week when Grandma Mary Ann came to visit, she brought several new outfits from Aunt Lisa and Grandpa and Grandma. Grandma Karen went shopping for Kueffer too!
With all of the new fall styles, Mommy is getting a bit jealous of Kueffer's fall wardrobe and very full closet.
Let the Fall Fashion Season begin!